At right, me in my tent not long before calling it a day.
Last night, I arrived at the campsite around 10pm, set up my tent -- just before the rain started fortunately -- did some reading as it rained for a while, then went to sleep and slept pretty well. It didn’t rain much the rest of the night and I was pretty comfortable and got some sleep.
This morning, I attended a session on how to apply for funding from the Mile High United Way. The training was straight forward, and well organized and presented. Their request for proposals is professionally laid out, clear, and explicit about what they are looking for in each question. Throughout the document, they reference sections of the instructions to help the applicant provide the desired information. They are to be commended and DRCOG could certainly benefit from reading through these materials and emulating them.
Congress allocates Older Americans Act funds for the specific purpose of serving those seniors with the greatest needs. In the Denver area, DRCOG is the agency that distributes and administers Older Americans Act funds but it failed to distribute any to Senior Support Services (the one organization that serves the seniors with the greatest needs). For this reason, I have contacted U.S. Representative Diana DeGette’s office in the hopes that she will take an interest in this issue.
Way to settle into your new world, Ted. You are assimilating to your new lifestyle - because the night I thought about you most you rested the easiest. Your last post was all about how you are moving forward to improve the situation. You are a great inspiration. If I can help - tell me. Most of all remember you are dearly loved and respected, Holly Sprackling